Its not who you are that matters. What matters is what you are and how you became that

Friday, September 26, 2008

Life at Basantar Boys Hostel....

Its a brand new day and as one wonders why the sun rose today, the other would be out trying to get physically fit.....
This is how the day begins at Basantar boys hostel alias BBH.

The moment you enter the "Zone" you will think "where the hell have i come, this place actually looks like a dungeon", but once settled, there is no other place you would want to be in.

My first few days at the hostel were really boring but as days passed by and i started to get used to the other hostel inmates life became a lot simpler and easier.

During the first year the fear of getting ragged or being caught by the senior was the most dreaded thought that could come into ones mind, though it never used to happen as the seniors were very helpful and polite to us juniors.

There were a total of 4 dormatories, 26 rooms, 1 TV room and a small mess where food was served. The hostel always had 2 Army security personnel at the gates and they were never a hassle as anyone could get in without much difficulties.

Time to explain a normal week for the hostellers and our daily doings.

The most frustrating day of the week, as the inmates of the hostel used to be droused in Alcohol during the weekend and getting up in the morning was like fighting with your girl friend over the daily nitty gritties. Students staying in the dorm generally had the opportunity to have breakfast as the morning husstle busstle created by some of the "Early Adopters" saw to that they were ready by the time the bus honks. There were some who used to get up at the last minute, grab there clothes and run for the bus and manage to change there by the time the bus reached the girls hostel.woww what a sight it used to be.

For the ones who used to stay in the rooms as in the seniors, monday was generally considered as an extended weekend as these inmates would enjoy the privilages of getting up by 1:00 PM, have lunch and watch TV.

The weekends were a lot simlper......

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